Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Hindi Song | Tricks

Dirty Tricks led to Corwin's demise - Hamburg Sun
Dirty Tricks led to Corwin's demiseHamburg SunElement 1: For anyone who remembers the political disaster known as Watergate, it was pretty discouraging to witness the use of dirty Tricks in the District 26 campaign. The ridiculous Jack Davis punch-out incident, carried out by Jane Corwin's chief ...and more��

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Hindi Song | Hack

Fox News ticker Hacked with anti-Fox news? - CNET
The Tech HeraldFox News ticker Hacked with anti-Fox news?CNETIt seems to show that the ticker was Hacked with surprisingly un-Foxy messages that read, for example: "WE ARE BEING LIED TO. RIGHT WINGERS ARE DESTROYING THE MIDDLE CLASS AND TRYING TO KILL OUR UNIONS." Could this truly have happened? ...Was a FoxNews ticker Hacked with a political message?The Tech HeraldDid Fox News Ticker Get Hacked To Read 'Rightwingers Are Destroying The Middle ...Mediaite.comFox News Ticker Hacked?NowPublicall 8 news articles��

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