Friday, July 25, 2008

Hindi Song | How to Quickly Grab Pictures from Web Pages Into Picnik for Editing

picnik-logo You know how easy it is to pull an image from a website into an online photo editing applications - you simply have to copy-paste the URL of the picture into Picnik and the software will fetch it from the source location.

Now consider a slightly different situation - a web page contains dozens of photographs and you want to pull some of them into Picnik. What’s the easy way ?

For instance, do a search for "jenna bush wedding" on Google Images. In order to edit any of these photographs into Picnik, you’ll first click the thumbnail image to open the web page where that original image is embedded and then copy-paste the link of the original image into Picnik.


Too many steps, right? There’s a much quicker way to do this - instead of looking at individual thumbnails, just copy the URL of the Google Image Search page from the browser address bar and paste that into Picnik like in the above screenshot.

You’ll be surprised to see that Picnik has fetched all photographs that appeared in Google Image search results - these are not resized thumbnails but actual sized photographs. You can now edit them or share them via email using Picnik tools.

The same trick can be used with other sites like Flickr photo galleries, Yahoo! News Photos, etc. It’s like turning Picnik into an online photo browser cum editor.