Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hindi Song | Hack

Hack: Use Xbox Kinect as a Real-Time 3D Video Camera - Gearlog (blog)
TFTS (blog)Hack: Use Xbox Kinect as a Real-Time 3D Video CameraGearlog (blog)As soon as a novel piece of tech makes it to the masses, it never takes long until Hackers start appropriating it for all manner of unintended uses. ...Hacked Kinect Captures 3D Image Reconstruction, "Almost Holographic" [Kinect ...TFTS (blog)Kinect goes 3D with new HackComputerandvideogames.comHacker creates trippy 3D effects on KinectMMOMFG (blog)DVICE�-Seattle Post Intelligencer (blog)all 10 news articles��

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