Thursday, October 2, 2008

Hindi Song | BlogAds Invitations Available for Bloggers & Site Owners

blogads logo Blogads is one of the few advertising systems on the web that follow a flat fee structure instead of the CPC / CPM model. Advertisers pay a fixed monthly rate that are also decided by the publisher himself.

You get 70% of the advertising revenue while the rest 30% goes to BlogAds plus the credit card or PayPal transaction costs, which typically amount to 2%-3%.

If you maintain a blog or website with decent traffic, please fill this form and you may get a BlogAds invite. I have a limited number of invites only and this giveaway is therefore not on a first-come first-served basis.

Unlike Google AdSense, BlogAds doesn’t have that huge pool of advertisers so you may want to check out these hives (example) to know if your niche fits the BlogAds network.

This video tutorial explains how advertisers can sponsor space on your blog via BlogAds.

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