Thursday, October 2, 2008

Hindi Song | Completely Test Your BlackBerry Phone for any Problems with this Secret Shortcut

If you own a BlackBerry mobile phone (or plan to buy one), here’s a very useful shortcut (or can we say Easter Egg) that enables you to perform a complete health checkup of your BlackBerry hardware.

You will be able to test the keys of your BlackBerry keyboard, trackball movements, audio volume, Bluetooth connection, handset, speakers, LED, LCD screen pixels, etc.

blackberry-testTo begin the test, click "Options" icon on the home screen of your BlackBerry and then select "Status."

On the status screen, type the wor d "test" without quotes and from the menu on the Device Self Test Application screen, select Start.

If you have a BlackBerry Pearl or another model that supports SureType, use the multi-tap input method to type "test".

As you may have seen in the test report, it says "Fail" for the Keypad Backlight Test on my BlackBerry Curve – that looks like a false positive to me.

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