Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Hindi Song | Mutiny Blog Now Published as a Print Magazine

blog magazine Jacob Joseph launched Mutiny as a personal blog some five years ago but it soon acquired the shape of a community blog with dozens of contributors (they call themselves mutineers) who all have day-jobs but still contribute religiously to Mutiny.

Now what this team has done is even more interesting – they have launched a print magazine based on their blog. This is probably the first blog that is available for reading both inside news-readers and on news-stands.

The motivation for launching a blog as a print magazine was simple – they want to reach more people as only a minuscule minority is reading blogs online at least in India.

My initial reaction to Mutiny’s blog magazine is exactly the same as Amit Varma - "It takes gumption and commitment to take a bold step like that, and I wish them all the best."

The first issue is available online as well.

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