Monday, September 29, 2008

Hindi Song | Danish Newspaper That Printed Muhammad Cartoons Puts Mahatma Gandhi In Their Ads

denmark newspaper

Uncle Gray, an advertising agency based in Denmark, has created a series of print ads featuring famous personalities like Mohandas Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and Dalai Lama.

The ads are actually designed to promote Morgenavisen ( – the same newspaper that had earlier sparked world-wide protests after it printed those controversial cartoons of Muslim prophet Muhammad.

The tagline of this latest advertising campaign says - "Life is easier, if you don’t speak up" and probably suggests what these great political mind would have done had they not taken up leadership roles.

These ads depict Dalai Lama skiing in Himalayas, Nelson Mandela surfing on a beach while Mahatma Gandhi is shown having beer and cooking meat on a barbeque grill. Looks like another controversy is waiting to happen again.

gandhi danish newspaper

Here’s another video ad from Telecom Italia featuring Mahatma Gandhi.

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