Monday, September 29, 2008

Hindi Song | Yahoo! Makes Backdoor Entry In Google Search Results via their Glue Pages

Yahoo Glue is an interesting tool for searching information on the web – type in a query and you get results from sources like Wikipedia, Flickr, YouTube, blogs, news, etc. on a single page.

yahoo glue pages

When you perform a search on Yahoo! Glue, the results page has a very clean URL structure something on the lines of Wikipedia. For instance, a search for ‘delhi’ would show the following page:

You can substitute ‘delhi’ in the above URL with another term (say madonna) to see the corresponding Glue page.

The surprising part is that these ‘yahoo! glue pages’, which clearly fall in the category of auto-generated content, now rank in Google search pages. In fact, there are at least 143,000 ‘glues’ that are indexed by Google – that’s more than knol.


So how did Google discover all these ‘glues’? After some digging, I came across this page that is probably a directory of search queries and may been constructed for other search engines to find and crawl all these ‘virtual’ pages hosted on Yahoo! Glue.

Related: How to Enhance Yahoo! Search Results

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